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Tyler.ElevationProvider Type
ElevationProvider(color_provider::Union{Nothing, AbstractProvider}=TileProviders.Esri(:WorldImagery); cache_size_gb=5)

Provider rendering elevation data from arcgis. This provider is special, since it uses a second provider for color information, which also means you can provide a cache size, since color tile caching has to be managed by the provider. When set to nothing, no color provider is used and the elevation data is used to color the surface with a colormap directly. Use Map(..., plot_config=Tyler.PlotConfig(colormap=colormap)) to set the colormap and other surface plot attributes.


Tyler.GeoTilePointCloudProvider Type

The PointCloud provider downloads from geotiles.citg.tudelft, which spans most of the netherlands. You can specify the subset to download from, which can be one of the following:

  • AHN1_T (default): The most corse dataset, but also the fastest to download (1-5mb compressed per tile)

  • AHN2_T: More detailed dataset (~70mb per tile)

  • AHN3_T: ~250mb per tile

  • AHN4_T: 300-500mb showing much detail, takes a long time to load each tile (over 1 minute per tile). Use max_plots=5 to limit the number of tiles loaded at once.


Tyler.Interpolator Type
Interpolator <: AbstractProvider

Interpolator(f; colormap=:thermal, options=Dict(:minzoom=1, :maxzoom=19))

Provides tiles by interpolating them on the fly.

  • f: an Interpolations.jl interpolator or similar.

  • colormap: A Symbol or Vector{RGBA{Float32}}. Default is :thermal.


Tyler.Map Type
Map(extent, [extent_crs=wgs84]; kw...)
Map(map::Map; ...) # layering another provider on top of an existing map

Tylers main object, it plots tiles onto a Makie.jl Axis, downloading and plotting more tiles as you zoom and pan. When layering providers over each other with Map(map::Map; ...), you can use toggle_visibility!(map) to hide/unhide them.


  • extent: the initial extent of the map, as a GeometryBasics.Rect or an Extents.Extent in the projection of extent_crs.

  • extent_crs: Any GeoFormatTypes compatible crs, the default is wsg84.


  • size: The figure size.

  • figure: an existing Makie.Figure object.

  • crs: The providers coordinate reference system.

  • provider: a TileProviders.jl Provider.

  • max_parallel_downloads: limits the attempted simultaneous downloads, with a default of 16.

  • cache_size_gb: limits the cache for storing tiles, with a default of 5.

  • fetching_scheme=Halo2DTiling(): The tile fetching scheme. Can be SimpleTiling(), Halo2DTiling(), or Tiling3D().

  • scale: a tile scaling factor. Low number decrease the downloads but reduce the resolution. The default is 0.5.

  • plot_config: A PlotConfig object to change the way tiles are plotted.

  • max_zoom: The maximum zoom level to display, with a default of TileProviders.max_zoom(provider).

  • max_plots=400: The maximum number of plots to keep displayed at the same time.


Tyler.Map Method
Map(m::Map; kw...)

Layering constructor to show another provider on top of an existing map.


lat, lon = (52.395593, 4.884704)
delta = 0.01
ext = Rect2f(lon - delta / 2, lat - delta / 2, delta, delta)
m1 = Tyler.Map(ext)
m2 = Tyler.Map(m1; provider=TileProviders.Esri(:WorldImagery), plot_config=Tyler.PlotConfig(alpha=0.5, postprocess=(p-> translate!(p, 0, 0, 1f0))))


Tyler.PlotConfig Method
PlotConfig(; preprocess=identity, postprocess=identity, plot_attributes...)

Creates a PlotConfig object to influence how tiles are being plotted.

  • preprocess(tile_data): Function to preprocess the data before plotting. For a tile provider returning image data, preprocess will be called on the image data before plotting.

  • postprocess(tile_data): Function to mutate the plot object after creation. Can be used like this: (plot)-> translate!(plot, 0, 0, 1).

  • plot_attributes: Additional attributes to pass to the plot


using Tyler, GLMakie

config = PlotConfig(
    preprocess = (data) -> data .+ 1,
    postprocess = (plot) -> translate!(plot, 0, 0, 1),
    color = :red
lat, lon = (52.395593, 4.884704)
delta = 0.1
extent = Extent(; X=(lon - delta / 2, lon + delta / 2), Y=(lat - delta / 2, lat + delta / 2))
Tyler.Map(extent; provider=Tyler.TileProviders.Esri(:WorldImagery), plot_config=config)
