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# Tyler.InterpolatorType.
Interpolator <: AbstractProvider

Interpolator(f; colormap=:thermal, options=Dict(:minzoom=1, :maxzoom=19))

Provides tiles by interpolating them on the fly.

  • f: an Interpolations.jl interpolator or similar.

  • colormap: A Symbol or Vector{RGBA{Float32}}. Default is :thermal.


# Tyler.MapType.

Map(extent, [extent_crs=wgs84]; kw...)

Tylers main object, it plots tiles onto a Makie.jl Axis, downloading and plotting more tiles as you zoom and pan.


-extent: the initial extent of the map, as a GeometryBasics.Rect or an Extents.Extent in the projection of extent_crs. -extent_crs: Any GeoFormatTypes compatible crs, the default is wsg84.


-resolution: The figure resolution. -figure: an existing Makie.Figure object. -crs: The providers coordinate reference system. -provider: a TileProviders.jl Provider. -max_parallel_downloads: limits the attempted simultaneous downloads, with a default of 16. -cache_size_gb: limits the cache for storing tiles, with a default of 5. -depth: the number of layers to load when zooming. Lower numbers will be slightly faster but have more artefacts. The default is 8. -halo: The fraction of the width of tiles to add as a halo so that panning is smooth - the tiles will already be loaded. The default is 0.2, which means 0.1 on each side. -scale: a tile scaling factor. Low number decrease the downloads but reduce the resolution. The default is 1.0.
