Documentation for TopoPlots.
A package for creating topoplots from data that were measured on arbitrarily positioned sensors:
using TopoPlots, CairoMakie
f = Figure(;resolution=(800,280))
topoplot(f[1,1],rand(20), rand(Point2f, 20))
topoplot(f[1,2],rand(20), rand(Point2f, 20); contours=(color=:white, linewidth=2),
label_scatter=true, bounding_geometry=Rect(0,0,1,1), colormap=:viridis)
eeg_topoplot(f[1,3],rand(20),1:20;positions=rand(Point2f, 20), colormap=:Oranges)

Find more documentation for topoplot
in Recipe for General TopoPlots.
It also contains some more convenience methods for EEG data, which is explained in EEG Topoplots.
You can also use TopoPlots' interpolators as a simple interface to regrid irregular data. See Interpolation for more details.